All companies have a legal obligation to comply with existing legislation. In addition, a number of Environment and H&S management standards require companies to identify, maintain and update a list of relevant legislation.
From ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System Standard:
4.3.2 Legal and other requirements
The organisation shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s)
a) To identify and have access to the applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the organisation subscribes related to its environmental aspects, and
b) To determine how these requirements apply to its environmental aspects.
From ISO 45001: 2018- Occupational health and safety Managment
6.1.3 Determination of Legal Register and Other Requirements
- Establish, implement and maintain a process to determine and have access to up to date legal requirements
- Establish, implement and maintain a process to determine legal requirements apply to the company
- Establish, implement and maintain a process to take there legal requirement into account
- Maintain and retain documented, information on legal requirements
- Ensure documented information is updated
From I.S. EN 16001:2009 Energy Management Standard
Step 6: Identify and evaluate legal obligations and other requirements
One of the important clauses of I.S. EN 16001 is that organisations ensure they comply with all energy related legislation and other requirements which are applicable to their energy aspects